Bills signed by the Governor into law!


Naloxone in Schools: One of the bills that was closest to my heart was HB497. That bill was ultimately incorporated into Delegate Sewell’s HB732 and I was designated as its chief co-patron. I was incredibly proud to see the bill pass in a bipartisan manner and be signed by the Governor.


Safe Firearm Storage Notification: Requires each local school board to develop and implement a policy to require the annual notification of Virginia's Safe Storage Law.


Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Students with Mobility Issues: Revise and update emergency evacuation procedures to maximize the ability for students with mobility impairments to evacuate the building alongside their non-disabled peers.


Licensed Behavior Analysts in DMAS: A bill to direct the Department of Medical Assistance Services to amend in its regulations regarding the definition of "credentialed addiction treatment professional" to include licensed behavior analysts.


Substitute Pools for Childcare providers: Creating a subpool for early childcare providers.


IEP+504 Portability for Higher Education: Asks the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to convene a workgroup to produce a report on standardizing disability documentation requirements across all public colleges and universities in Virginia. 


Assisted Living Facility Code Clean-up: Adds Assisted Living Facilities to the list of organizations in which a healthcare practitioner can temporarily practice for one 90-day period.